This course is a combination of the PADI Tec 40 – 45 – 50 courses.

If you satisfy the prerequisites to enroll in this full course you might not divide it in three courses, but complete it at once.

The PADI Tec Deep will qualify you to perform decompressive dives up to 50m, using a twinset filled with air for your bottom gas and 2 deco cylinders filled with nitrox up to 100%.


The course consists of:

– theory sessions

– 12 training sessions


Duration: minimum 7 days


Prerequisites: PADI Rescue Diver or equivalent

PADI Enriched Air Diver or equivalent

PADI Deep Diver or equivalent

Minimum 100 logged dives (at least 20 nitrox logged dives deeper than 18m; at least 15 dives deeper than 30m)

Medical Statement signed by a physician within the last 12 months


Minimum age: 18 years old


Price: € 1550.00

Price includes EVERYTHING: full tec equipment hire, gases, training dives, land   transport from the hotel to the dive sites, manual and certification fee.

Price is PER PERSON on a 2 student basis, price for 1 student on request.