This course teach you how to prevent and manage problems and emergencies in the water.
The most of the divers describe it as the most challenging and important course they have taken.
This course aims to train you in self-help, in the recognition and management of stress in other divers, in the management of emergencies in the aquatic context, and in rescuing divers in panic or even in a state of unconsciousness.
Some of the most important skills developed during the course consist of:
– self rescue;
– recognizing and managing stress in another diver;
– rescuing panicked diver;
– rescuing unresponsive diver;
The course consists of:
– theory session
– self-rescue exercises
– 10 rescue exercises
– 2 open water scenarios
Duration: minimum 2 days
Prerequisites: Adventure Diver or equivalent;
EFR certification or equivalent issued or renewed within 24 months.
Minimum age: 12 years old (12-15 years old: Junior Rescue Diver)
Price: € 420.00
Price includes EVERYTHING: basic diving equipment hire, training dives, land transport from the hotel to the dive sites, PADI manual and certification fee.